Metallurgical Company “Ferro” sells stainless steel products in Russia and CIS countries. Our company is involved in wholesale and retail supplies of ordinary steel and high-quality (heat –resistant, tool shed, constructional, food, etc.) steel grades.
Today, due to development of technology stainless steel is mainly produced as a plate, tube, ribbon steel and circle.

Our warehouse complexes represent full range of stainless steel rolled product grades. The following stainless steel rolled product is always available:
plate, sorted, tubular, totally 3000 tons.

Our advantages:

We ensure accuracy of delivery terms and conditions, quantity and quality of rolled metal. Permanent clients of MC “Ferro” highly appreciate our reliability.
Active cooperation with local and foreign manufacturers of stainless steel rolled metals.
Broad assortment of stainless steel grades. Thorough quality control of supplied stainless steel rolled metal.
Regular direct supplies from manufacturers and renewal of assortment.
Individual approach to each client considering specific features of his business regardless of the scope of order (you can order product starting from 1 plate).
© Metallurgic Company «Ferro»
8-800-333-70-30 (call is free)
e-mail:    skype: ferro_manager